Tự động đổi Wallpaper panel Synology theo Bing Wallpaper

Mấy hôm chống bão Yagi thì chả sao, mà tuần sau bão thì ốm quặt ốm quẹo ốm kiểu người đau rêm hết cả lên chả làm được cái quái gì. Thế nên tạm bù cho anh em một cái trick đổi hình nền panel Synology hay hay theo Bing Wallpaper. Vậy đi luôn vào vấn đề chính ha

Vào Cotrol Panel => Task Scheduler. Bạn nhấp vào Create => Scheduled Task => User-defined script.

Thiết lập thời gian tool tự động chạy. VD: như mình đang để là chạy hàng ngày và cứ 6h chạy một lần. Mục đích là để tool tải về hình nền mới…
Copy đoạn code bên dưới và chỉnh sửa dòng thứ 8 theo yêu cầu của bạn
# set your language(en-US,zh-CN...)

# If you want to collect and save Wallpapers, 
# please remove the comment below and set the savepath.
# Right click the folder property in FileStation to see the path.

savepath="Đường dẫn tới nơi save file" #gõ # ở trước savepath nếu bạn không muốn lưu ảnh

# To download 4K resolution, set res=4K
# To download a larger original picture, set res=raw


# Modify user desktop wallpaper.Only test for DMS7.x.
# System "Wallpaper1" will replaced by remove the comment.
# You need to clear the browser cache to see the effect.


echo "[x]Collecting information..."
if [ "$res" != "" ]
then pic="https://www.bing.com/HPImageArchive.aspx?format=js&idx=0&n=1&uhd=1&uhdwidth=3840&uhdheight=2160"
pic=$(wget -t 5 --no-check-certificate -qO- $pic --header="cookie:_EDGE_S=mkt=$lang")
echo $pic|grep -q startdate||exit
link=$(echo https://www.bing.com$(echo $pic|sed 's/.\+"url"[:" ]\+//g'|sed 's/".\+//g'))
if [ "$res" == "raw" ]
then link=$(echo $link|grep -Eo "https://[-=?/._a-zA-Z0-9]+")
date=$(echo $pic|grep -Eo '"startdate":"[0-9]+'|grep -Eo '[0-9]+'|head -1)
if [ "$date" == "" ]
then date=$(date +%Y%m%d)
title=$(echo $pic|sed 's/.\+"title":"//g'|sed 's/".\+//g')
copyright=$(echo $pic|sed 's/.\+"copyright[:" ]\+//g'|sed 's/".\+//g')
keyword=$(echo $copyright|sed 's/, /-/g'|cut -d" " -f1|grep -Eo '[^()\\/:*?"<>]+'|head -1)
echo "Link:"$link
echo "Date:"$date
echo "Title:"$title
echo "Copyright:"$copyright
echo "Keyword:"$keyword
echo "Filename:"$filename

echo "[x]Downloading wallpaper..."
wget -t 5 --no-check-certificate  $link -qO $tmpfile
ls -lah $tmpfile||exit

echo "[x]Copying wallpaper..."
if [ "$savepath" != "" ]
then cp $tmpfile "$savepath"
echo "Save:"$savepath
ls -lah "$savepath"|grep $date
cd "$savepath"
chmod 777 $filename
else echo "savepath is not set, skip copy."

echo "[x]Setting welcome msg..."
sed -i s/login_welcome_title=.*//g /etc/synoinfo.conf
echo "login_welcome_title=\"$title\"">>/etc/synoinfo.conf
sed -i s/login_welcome_msg=.*//g /etc/synoinfo.conf
echo "login_welcome_msg=\"$copyright\"">>/etc/synoinfo.conf

echo "[x]Applying login wallpaper..."
sed -i s/login_background_customize=.*//g /etc/synoinfo.conf
echo "login_background_customize=\"yes\"">>/etc/synoinfo.conf
sed -i s/login_background_type=.*//g /etc/synoinfo.conf
echo "login_background_type=\"fromDS\"">>/etc/synoinfo.conf
rm -rf /usr/syno/etc/login_background*.jpg
cp -f $tmpfile /usr/syno/etc/login_background.jpg
ln -sf /usr/syno/etc/login_background.jpg /usr/syno/etc/login_background_hd.jpg

echo "[x]Clean..."
rm -f /tmp/bing_*.jpg

if [ "$desktop" == "yes" ]
then echo "[x]Applying user desktop wallpaper..."
mkdir -p /usr/syno/synoman/webman/resources/images/2x/default_wallpaper/
mkdir -p /usr/syno/synoman/webman/resources/images/1x/default_wallpaper/
mkdir -p /usr/syno/synoman/webman/resources/images/default/1x/default_wallpaper/
mkdir -p /usr/syno/synoman/webman/resources/images/default_wallpaper/
cp -f /usr/syno/etc/login_background.jpg /usr/syno/synoman/webman/resources/images/2x/default_wallpaper/dsm7_01.jpg
ln -sf /usr/syno/synoman/webman/resources/images/2x/default_wallpaper/dsm7_01.jpg /usr/syno/synoman/webman/resources/images/1x/default_wallpaper/dsm7_01.jpg
ln -sf /usr/syno/synoman/webman/resources/images/2x/default_wallpaper/dsm7_01.jpg /usr/syno/synoman/webman/resources/images/default/1x/default_wallpaper/default_wallpaper.jpg
ln -sf /usr/syno/synoman/webman/resources/images/2x/default_wallpaper/dsm7_01.jpg /usr/syno/synoman/webman/resources/images/default/1x/default_wallpaper/dsm6_01.jpg
ln -sf /usr/syno/synoman/webman/resources/images/2x/default_wallpaper/dsm7_01.jpg /usr/syno/synoman/webman/resources/images/default/1x/default_wallpaper/dsm6_02.jpg
ln -sf /usr/syno/synoman/webman/resources/images/2x/default_wallpaper/dsm7_01.jpg /usr/syno/synoman/webman/resources/images/default_wallpaper/default_wallpaper.jpg
ln -sf /usr/syno/synoman/webman/resources/images/2x/default_wallpaper/dsm7_01.jpg /usr/syno/synoman/webman/resources/images/default_wallpaper/01.jpg
ln -sf /usr/syno/synoman/webman/resources/images/2x/default_wallpaper/dsm7_01.jpg /usr/syno/synoman/webman/resources/images/default_wallpaper/02.jpg

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